customer service

Zhilian integrates innovation, pleasant process, temperature, and win-win for employees, companies and customers

      As "becoming the most valuable intelligent logistics service provider in the automobile industry", Dongfeng logistics group knows that meeting the needs of customers is the cornerstone of the company's development and the source power for its continuous development. We are committed to meeting and exceeding customers' expectations through Zhilian, integration and innovation, and are committed to providing customers with brand-new value beyond expectations. Through the construction of intelligent logistics with temperature and pleasant intelligent supply chain, we deeply plough into digital operation, intelligent operation, lean management and intelligent platform, give play to the influence of the platform, strive to open up the industry chain links, let the data link through the ecology, and promote the improvement of industry efficiency. We are committed to building a new strategic partnership with customers, helping employees grow, improving their self-worth, and operating the company simply and efficiently to achieve win-win results for employees, companies and customers.

  Smart link integration and Innovation: traditional logistics integrates artificial intelligence and Internet of things, innovates management methods, and builds a new ecology of intelligent logistics

  Process pleasure has temperature: Construction of logistics supply chain upstream and downstream cooperation and intelligent operation management mode

  Employee, company and customer win-win: employees and the company grow together, service exceeds customer expectations

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