about us


  Inherited from the cultural accumulation of Dongfeng Group and the development of the logistics business to the present, based on the current status and vision of the integration of the Dongfeng logistics field, clarify and firm the role and positioning of automobile logistics in the entire automobile industry — Dongfeng Logistics Group has a unique concept at the strategic level The "he" cultural system. The road to excellence, work together. Under the guidance of the "combined" culture, Dongfeng Logistics Group will establish its own production, behavior and management methods faster and better, and is determined to move forward and achieve excellence.

  Company Vision     To be the most valuable smart logistics service provider in the automotive industry

  Company mission     Accelerate the industrial cycle   Drive the car dream

  Core value       Join forces to advance together  Together wisdom to create  Together to share

  Business philosophy   to simple and efficient   win-win cooperation

  Corporate slogan     Good wind depends on strength   Aspirations are far and wide

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