Main business

Spare parts logistics

       Spare parts logistics refers to the logistics supply process of spare parts (such as maintenance, repair, etc.) needed in the process of automobile use. It mainly includes the logistics process of transporting spare parts from the main line of the central warehouse to the sub warehouse, from the sub warehouse to the automobile 4S shop by special line or less than carload, and the return transportation of repair spare parts.

  Dongfeng logistics has built a nationwide spare parts logistics network, which is divided into five regions: South China, East China, central China, North China and West China. More than 10 logistics centers and 33 RDCs have been planned and put into operation, making nearly 4000 4S stores in China enjoy the convenience of 24-hour delivery.

  The product combines CIS, computer network, multimedia compression and database technology to establish a visual information technology management platform. Through the TMS and WMS information system designed based on orcal database, the product can seamlessly connect with the automobile engine plant system, realize information management for the whole process of spare parts logistics, and have centralized financial management, cost management and early warning management.


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